Belt Your Heart Out: Adult Intermediate Voice Clinic

This summer, adult singers are encouraged to join our voice specialist Chersea at Pleasant Mountain Music for a truly unique and rewarding vocal clinic! On July July 3rd Chersea will guide participants through some amazing warm-ups, techniques, and exercises to tap into healthy belting. Previous singing experience is required.

Participants of this clinic will:
1) reduce tension
2) navigate hard vowels
3) activate their nose
4) learn essential technique and specialized breath-work specific to belting
5) and more!

Belting for Adults (19+) Intermediate Voice Clinic
~ Wednesday July 3 @ 6:00-8:00pm
~ 2435A Granville Street, Vancouver
~ $50.00/participant (2-hour clinic)

Limited spaces available, don’t delay register today!

Embark on your journey today!

If you are ready to take the plunge and start your journey, you can book your first lesson on our online calendar!

If you have any questions about our services, we encourage you to contact us. We love to talk about music and can’t wait to hear from you.