Tone Deaf Clinic

Have you been accused of being tone deaf? We beg to differ! Everyone can sing and find pitch; there’s no such thing as tone-deafness and this very special 2-hour workshop will prove it to you!

Participants of this clinic will:
1) tune into the vibrations, man!
2) become acquainted with the basics of string resonance theory
3) partake in resonance exercises
4) learn about pitch recovery, the Third Ear, and D-Sense training
5) and more!

No such thing as Tone Deaf: adult voice clinic
~ Wednesday July 10 @ 6:00-8:00pm
~ 2435A Granville Street, Vancouver
~ $50.00/participant (2-hour clinic)

Limited spaces available, don’t delay register today!

Embark on your journey today!

If you are ready to take the plunge and start your journey, you can book your first lesson on our online calendar!

If you have any questions about our services, we encourage you to contact us. We love to talk about music and can’t wait to hear from you.