Ukulele group classes are a terrific instrument to start your musical journey. The ukulele‘s small size and light weight make it a great starter instrument for younger musicians, while its versatility and ease of play makes it an excellent choice for adults too!
Adult Ukulele Circle

Time: Mondays @ 7:45 – 9:00pm
Starts: Sunday September 18th
Ends: Sunday December 18th
Teacher: George
Tuition: $455 for 13 week course
Join us for this approachable and inclusive weekly group class designed to give adult participants the confidence to play in a group and on their own. Class will encourage chord playing and keeping time in a group, as well as explore music theory, and playing a full songs together and individually. Some prior playing experience is helpful.
Participants must bring their instruments to every class. Instructions for renting/buying a ukulele are available upon request.
Youth Ukulele Group Classes
Waitlisting interested participants!